1st Grade Student Jumping over a Snake |
The last couple of days we have been working on meeting out learning targets of...
- Jumping and landing with our feet together
- Leaping by pushing off our toe and stretching our legs in the air
Our goal is for students to be proficient jumpers and leapers by the time they leave 2nd grade.
1st Grade Student Jumping over Hills |
For jumping, it is important that students start with their feet together and land with their feet together. We say "Lock, Load, and Explode!" to help students remember to bend their knees and swing their arms to jump higher and further.
When leaping, it is important that students understand that they will take off on one foot and land on the other foot. Students should push off their toe during take off and stretch their legs as they glide through the air.
K Student Jumping over Mountain |
This week we have been jumping through the forest:
Jumping and leaping FAR over snakes
Jumping and leaping HIGH over hills and mountains
Hopping, jumping, and leaping FAR over rivers
We have had a lot of fun moving through the air in different ways. During all activities we focus on trying our best, challenging ourselves, and keeping our teammates safe.
K Student Leaping over Mountain |
<-------K Leaping Over Mountains!