Sunday, September 30, 2012

Space Awareness

2nd Grade students playing Fill the Space

Space Awareness is important because it teaches students how to move in a variety of environments and spaces.  We focus on general space, personal space, and moving at different levels, speeds, pathways, and directions.  This week we played a game called Fill the Space where students found the open personal space around their friends and made a giant statue.  Students love this activity because they get to use their imaginations and be creative with their body.

Student Profiles

This year each child will have their own Physical Education Profile.  This envelope will be filled with activities, assessments, and accomplishments during the Trimester.  Parents should review the contents inside, initial the bottom of the envelope and return to school with their child so that it can be filled the following Trimester.  Our Physical Education Program is excited to share what your child is learning this year to become healthier and stronger!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Chasing, Dodging and Fleeing

Our Daily Message with Learning Target
Toilet Tag "Whoosh"
 This week, we started the unit Chasing, Dodging, and Fleeing.  Our learning target was to be able to move around the gym safely by seeing everyone around us, stopping our feet, and changing direction to avoid accidents and being tagged. We did a variety of activities to practice such as cat and mouse, dead bug tag, sharks and minnows, the great crossover, and toilet tag.  This unit teaches us to move quickly but also safely when playing games.

Eyes on me, body still, voice is off
This line earned a sticker!
Line Up in 10

At the end of class, it is important that we are ready for the hallway.  Everyday of Physical Education, classes can earn a sticker if they Line Up in 10 seconds.  To earn a sticker, students must have their feet on the black line, voice off, eyes on me, and any items they brought to class with them.  Once a class earns 10 stickers, they get to have a P.E. fun day and play a special activity.  So far we have many classes that have earned 1 or 2 stickers.  This task is much harder than it looks but I know we can do it!

Next week, we will finish up chasing, dodging, and fleeing and move into Space Awareness.  The unit focuses on moving in general and personal space as well as in a variety of pathways, speeds, levels, and directions.
Sticker Chart

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Building Character and Team Colors

Building a Strong Character House
Week two complete!  This week, students discussed how we can build good character in Physical Education.  We will:
  • Show respect to our self and others
  • Be responsible with equipment and wear tennis shoes everyday
  • Always be honest by telling the truth
  • Use self control of our bodies while listening  

2nd Grade Sitting in Team Rows
Every trimester, students get placed on one of four team colors; blue, red, yellow, or green.  These team colors are used for organizing students into groups for individual, partner, and team skills and games.  Students are responsible for remembering their team color each class.  It is also a great way for students to build teamwork and friendships. 

Airplane Balance with Kindergarten

 During the week we practiced balancing, strength exercises, and played the tag game Everybody Is It.  During this game, students did 3 star jumps yelling "I'm a Star!"  in their team's activity zone to re-enter the game.  This is a great lead up activity to our first unit that we will begin next week, dodging and fleeing. 

I'm a Star!

Tree Balance with Kindergarten

Saturday, September 8, 2012

First Week of School

2nd Graders Learning about our 4, 3, 2, 1 Grading System
 What a great first week back to school!  It was so fun seeing familiar faces and meeting our new Kindergarten crew too.   This week we learned and practiced our daily warm up which includes jogging and practicing our locomotor movements.  On our listening circle we sat criss cross applesauce and discussed what Physical Education is and why it is important.  I was very impressed with our 1st and 2nd graders remembering how Physical Education keeps our bodies healthy by making our muscles and heart stronger.  Students also remembered many of the skills we learned last year and are excited to continue to improve and learn new things!
Dead Bug Tag
We also went over how grading works in Physical Education.  Each day a student walks into my gym with a number 4, the highest number that can be earned.  It is every student's goal to keep their number 4 until the end of class.  A student's number can go down based on behavior and reminders needed from the teacher.  Students are expected everyday to listen and follow directions, cooperate with others, wear tennis shoes, and always try their best.  We also hope to have a lot of fun too!